Small Business 401(k) Plans

Any size business, any type of business, can have a 401(k) Retirement Plan.

Small businesses have historically encountered several problems and issues when sponsoring a qualified retirement plan, like a 401(k) plan, such as:

  • High administrative costs and plan fees
  • Plan designs that fail to allow meaningful contribution levels for the business owners
  • Plan designs that fail to allow meaningful contributions for key employees
  • Insufficient investment options
  • Poor enrollment due to insufficient employee education
  • Difficulty in complying with ERISA Section 404(c)
  • Unresponsive administrative services from a low-cost plan provider or TPA
  • Providers that cannot afford an expert for guidance on design issues

We can help virtually any size business design, implement, enroll, and administer a 401(k) plan, including plans with as few as one participant.

Do you want to know more? Call us today at (800) 680-5596.

Free 401(k) Plan Proposal Request Form

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